Bild 1 Bild 2 HOTEL im MARIENTAL, Aachen

The hotel consists of three seperate buildings joint by a subterranean infrastructure with a receptionhall covered by a glass dome. This ensemble completes the ancient block as urban structure. It reflects the characteristics of the existing context by reestablishing a well-defined urban situation, but leaves the site a public place. The three hotel parts generate an intimate triangular patio which is however connected to the surrounding streets.

As the heart of the hotel, the reception hall lies underneath a glass dome in the middle of the courtyard. Backoffice, kitchen and breakfast area are arranged around this center and the elevators to the rooms are directly accessable from here, too. The hotel-rooms are situated in a floating bar along the street and in the northern building, where you can find a fitness-area and the administration as well. The ‚Tower‘ contains event and conference facilities and a restaurant lies under the floating bar, including the indispensable hotel bar.